The Daily Tweets, 2009-07-09

  • Saw Caprica all the way through tonight (night before I was tired & saw only 2/3). Kick ass. Now _this_ is SF the way it _should_ be. #
  • Sean Cockerham filed an article about Palin’s nearly $2 mill spreadsheet. O #
  • Re: Sean Cockerham article: I’m — guess what? — staying up late to write a blog post about it. Stay tuned. (Cue “Storming New Caprica”) #
  • [In bad Romanian accent:] I am getting SLEEPIer & SLEEPIer… #
  • RT: @jansonjones: “I see people who look kind of dead… ” Stop talking abt me like that. It’s v. rude. #
  • @celticdiva: th’ Pr’gressive Ethix Public Records Liberation Front. Gotta jest shut down them terr’ists’ ethics complaint form supply lines. #
  • Looks like my flight’ll be leaving on time tonight. Good, I get to sleep soon. #

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