
First snow at UAA

We got some more this morning.  I don’t mind….


One night in front of the high school, under a streetlamp,
white flakes fall noiselessly.

If language must have tongue and voice
then you, tongueless, voiceless,
say nothing. There is nothing to say.
You do not fall to fulfill a promise: you have spoken no promise.
You do not fall to answer a command: none has commanded.

But you fall: fall from the sky,
cover the land, and whiten it.
Life leaves its tracks in you.

[March 31, 1996]

About the photo

Taken at first snow in October 2006 approaching the Consortium Library on the UAA campus.  But for all that this morning’s snow added to the accumulation of what’s already been a long winter (& will continue to be — this is Alaska!), walking to work from the bus stop this morning looked pretty much like this.

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