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Lisa snubs Pride Conference, honors Prevo instead

Wednesday, 13 October 2010 – 5:32 AM | 4 Comments
Lisa snubs Pride Conference, honors Prevo instead

While U.S. Senate candidate Scott McAdams was impressing us and our allies at the Alaska Pride Conference last weekend, write-in incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski ignored the invitation to speak to LGBT Alaskans and instead was at Anchorage Baptist Temple kissing up to Rev. Jerry Prevo, a man who brags that his personal legacy has been to prevent gay Alaskans from getting equal rights.

Watch Lisa thank Jerry for the love and guidance he has shown “our community,” by which she means the homo-haters of Anchorage, apparently:

The video of Lisa and Jerry is courtesy of Alaska Commons, and the transcript was posted on Mudflats (the highlighting is mine):

Pastor Prevo, Mrs. Prevo, it is such an honor and a real delight to be with so many here today to celebrate this pastoral anniversary. Think about where you were in 1971. What was going on in your life. Well, here in Alaska… Everyone’s now starting to talk… think about what was going on in 1971… We just passed the Alaska Land Claims Settlement Act that led to the development of our Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Think about how our state has transformed with the advent of that line and what oil has brought to our country, our state.

That was the same time that Pastor Prevo and Mrs. Prevo came to Anchorage and began to build this community – 135,000 people in Anchorage at that time, and think about the changes that we have seen within our community, within our state. And so much of what we’ve seen that has been good and strong has been built right here at the Anchorage Baptist Temple by Reverend Prevo. Think about the ministries. We saw the children’s ministry here today and the delight in the children’s faces. The ministries for the men, the women’s connection, the recovery ministries – so many of the good things – the Anchorage Christian Schools, so much that has been developed under the leadership of this man, with the love and support of Carol Prevo. This leadership is demonstrated on a daily basis and we benefit from it.

And Pastor, I want to thank you from a very personal note for what you did to celebrate the life of a great Alaskan. It was here in this church that Alaskans and people around the country paid tribute to a great Alaskan, Ted Stevens. And what you did, and your guidance and how we showed our final respects was a tribute to all of Alaska. That leadership doesn’t come without the greatness of a man. We thank you for what you have given our community – the guidance you have shown, and the love for so many. Continue it for another 39. Thank you.

WTF? Here is one example of Prevo’s love for us. It’s part 2 of his sermon against last summer’s equal rights ordinance (in case you missed it) and includes a long list of insults for LGBT Alaskans:

Can’t you feel the love? Prevo’s only legacy is peddling fear and hate of LGBT people and preventing Anchorage from becoming a city of equality and fairness.

What is Lisa thinking?

Mel on Scott McAdams: The clear choice for LGBTA Alaskans

Tuesday, 12 October 2010 – 7:17 AM | Comments Off on Mel on Scott McAdams: The clear choice for LGBTA Alaskans
Mel on Scott McAdams: The clear choice for LGBTA Alaskans

Two U.S. Senate candidates spoke at the Pride Conference this weekend, and Mel Green reviewed them on her blog Henkimaa:

Yesterday I attended the Alaska Pride Conference, an annual event sponsored by Identity, Inc. My main reason for attending this year came out of my involvement with the Alaska LGBT Community Survey; but I also got the opportunity to hear firsthand from two of the candidates for U.S. Senate, Frederick David Haase of the Alaska Libertarian Party and Scott McAdams of the Alaska Democratic Party. Conference organizers invited all U.S. Senate candidates, but neither Republican Party of Alaska candidates — official candidate Joe Miller and incumbent and write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski — accepted the invitation.

Which fit in pretty well with what has become obvious: Republican officials and candidates care little about the the issues of concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens. Whereas Democrats, despite sometimes spotty records, do. Thus, this year’s Pride march in Anchorage saw the enthusiastic participation of two Democratic gubernatorial candidates (Hollis French and eventual primary winner Ethan Berkowitz) and Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Diane Benson… but nary a Republican candidate was to be seen. (No Libertarians that I can recall, either.)

Mel gave credit to Frederick Haase, the Libertarian candidate, for accepting the invitation to Pride Conference. However, she was not impressed with his argument against hate crimes laws that protect our community and his reference to our “lifestyles.” Her opinion of Haase was shared by others who heard the speech and posted unfavorable comments on their Facebook pages.

When Scott McAdams stepped up to the podium, he began with the message “Vote your values, not your fears,” and gave a brief math and history lesson explaining why Lisa has very little chance of winning (similar to the Tom Begich presentation on Moore Up North.) Then McAdams turned to LGBT issues, Mel reports:

But if in fact he does win, what does Scott McAdams have to offer LGBTA voters? He told us that if he is elected, he will sign on as cosponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and as a cosponsor of a bill to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT). He also registered his unequivocal support for other federal legislation which advance equality under the law for LGBT citizens, such as repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA; extended to cover same-sex couples by Pres. Obama).

During the Q&A period, Mel was also impressed by his stands on other issues, like early childhood education and drug treatment for drug/alcohol-involved crimes. She concludes:

What sealed it for me was when McAdams said “Sovereignty begins with the individual. Freedom begins with the individual.” Most LGBT people spend a good part of their lives fending off the violative behavior of those who insist that we are supposed to be something other than who and what we are: attacking our sovereignty and freedom at our very cores. When McAdams said that, I knew that he & I see eye-to-eye: & that he respects, in a way I’ve seldom seen expressed by any non-LGBT political candidate, the integrity of who we are as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Aside from that, he was also very personable, and has a great sense of humor. I really really really like this guy.

Learn more about him at his website, and also see the other three segments of the October 9 “Moore Up North” featuring an in-depth interview with him: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4. (Part 1 was the portion with Tom Begich already [linked] above.)

I urge all LGBT people, and all our allies who care about LGBT equality, to vote Scott McAdams for the U.S. Senate. For us, and for Alaska.

Thanks to Mel for reviewing the U.S. Senate candidates at the Pride Conference. I encourage everyone to read her full post HERE.

Photo by Mel Green: Scott McAdams, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, at the Alaska Pride Conference 2010.

McAdams is keynote speaker at Alaska Pride Conference, Oct 9

Thursday, 7 October 2010 – 7:26 AM | Comments Off on McAdams is keynote speaker at Alaska Pride Conference, Oct 9
McAdams is keynote speaker at Alaska Pride Conference, Oct 9

The Alaska Pride Conference theme this year is “Equal” and we have structured the conference around this. The keynote speaker will be US Senate candidate Scott McAdams speaking on how we can move forward for Equality for LGBT Alaskans. (Please note that all senate candidates were invited to speak). Senator Mark Begich’s office will give a “State of the State” report on LGBT Equality.
With 17 workshops, 11 vendors, 4 guest speakers, free rapid HIV testing, a drag king performance, door prizes, gift certificates, food and friends, you don’t want to miss the Pride Conference!
AK Pride Conference 2010 is being held in the Carr-Gottstein Building at APU on Sat. Oct 9th from 8a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Guest Speakers and Panelists

· Scott McAdams: Scott is the mayor of Sitka and is the Democratic Candidate for the US Senate representing Alaska. He is here today to give his take on how Alaskans can move forward in achieving full equality.
· Kim Mack: At Gay Pride this year, Kim gave an impromptu thank-you speech for the benefits she has received as the result of activism by others. She is here today to tell her story.
· Panel: “Opportunities for Activism in Alaska”: Our panelist will speak on ways we can move forward in the fight for Equality in Alaska. Our Panelists include:
– Shelby Carpenter works with Equality Works. Equality Works is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to protect Anchorage citizens from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in matters of employment, housing and public accommodations.
– Elias Rojas is the President of Alaskans Together for Equality. Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. is a political nonprofit incorporated in the State of Alaska. Its mission is to advance civil equality for all Alaskans through grass roots organizing and advocacy.
– Edie Bailey is a Board Member of the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission (AERC). Established in the Anchorage Charter in 1975, the AERC is the Municipal law enforcement agency charged to eliminate and prevent unlawful discrimination under Title 5 of the Municipal Code within the geographic boundaries of the Municipality. (Sexual orientation/gender identity is not covered under Title 5).
We have three streams of workshops: Activism, Community, and Relationships. Workshop details, the full conference schedule, and registration forms are available at Identity, Inc. – Conference. Register before the conference and save $5!
We will have door prizes, raffles, entertainment and delicious food catered by The Last Frontier Men’s Club.
In conjunction with the Alaska premier of the films I Can’t Think Straight and The World Unseen, AK Pride Conference will be holding a post-conference Brunch on Sunday morning at 10:00a.m. at Out North Theater.
Join us at APU on Sat. Oct 9th for the Alaska Pride Conference 2010!

Anti-Gay Michele Bachmann endorses Joe Miller *more video*

Tuesday, 28 September 2010 – 4:14 PM | 3 Comments
Anti-Gay Michele Bachmann endorses Joe Miller *more video*
The Joe Miller campaign has uploaded an endorsement from virulently anti-gay Rep. Bachmann (very far R-MN), his only video endorsement by a member of Congress:

In addition to saying that gays are “a part of Satan,” Bachman also said that being gay is “personal enslavement” and a mental disorder. She spoke out against the federal hate crimes bill protecting gays and lesbians, saying that the bill would protect pedophiles. She thinks it’s “child abuse” to teach that being gay is normal.
Bachmann has ties to a Christian rock band whose lead singer praised conservative Muslim countries for executing gays. Bachmann praised the band, saying, “I thank God that He has given you the strength and the resolve to fight for our timeless values.”
Joe Miller is a lawyer running as Alaska’s GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate, against Democrat Scott McAdams and write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Miller believes that “homosexuality is a sin, and therefore immoral,” and called the Hate Crimes Act passed by Congress last year “the Left’s radical social agenda.”
Miller is also endorsed by Sarah Palin.
Check out this brilliant parody of Bachmann:

McAdams on DADT *update*

Friday, 24 September 2010 – 1:53 PM | Comments Off on McAdams on DADT *update*
McAdams on DADT *update*
Scott McAdams, Mayor of Sitka, former school board member and Alaska’s Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, confirmed that he opposes Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and would have voted for the repeal. In addition, he sent this statement:

“At a time when the U.S. has 50,000 troops on the ground and is still fighting a war in Afghanistan, it’s irresponsible to exclude any skilled, combat-ready troops from service. Individuals who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their country don’t deserve to be discriminated against.” – SCOTT McADAMS

It’s a mild statement, but not bad for a democrat running in an independent/red state. Now we have a real choice for senate. Instead of waiting for the magic opinion polls to tell us who has the best chance of beating Joe Miller – and hoping they’re right – we can unite behind a candidate who will actually vote for equality and fairness.
UPDATE: Check out the newer, stronger McAdams statement on DADT, answer #3 on his questionnaire for Daily Kos, where he is a highlighted Orange to Blue candidate. Guess his campaign got the message that DADT is an easy one.
When Lisa didn’t show up for the big senate vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell this week, her campaign manager confirmed that she would have voted against the repeal if she’d been there. The GOP voted as a block to prevent DADT from even being debated, just like they’re blocking the other changes we voted for: no honesty for gays and lesbians in the military, no gay families included in immigration reform, no fairness at work, no marriage, no healthcare, no rights.
We called Lisa, filled her voicemail box with messages for the repeal of DADT, gave her a chance to be Alaska’s moderate candidate. She choose partisan politics – for the party that rejected her – over doing what 75% of Americans know is right and fair.
DADT is likely to come up for another vote in the U.S. Senate, either in December or next year.
Scott McAdams knows what is fair, and will vote to protect our troops from discrimination. Please get to know him and spread the word.

Will Lisa vote for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal?

Monday, 20 September 2010 – 9:24 PM | Comments Off on Will Lisa vote for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal?
Will Lisa vote for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal?
The word from DC is that Senator Murkowski is considering voting for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the military ban against openly serving gays and lesbians. LGR wrote that Murkowski is listening:

Our DC staffer is on the Hill right now, and according to Senator Murkowski’s staff, the Senator is more than willing to listen to the calls. Her official phone number is (202) 224-6665, though the Senate can be reached via (202) 224-3121. LGBT Alaskans should call her and ask for her to vote for the repeal and to start and end debate over this.

By 9 p.m. on Monday, Lisa’s DC voicemail box was full for the day. If it’s full on Tuesday, call her Anchorage office at 907-271-3735, Fairbanks at 907-456-0233 or toll free in Alaska at 1-877-829-6030. Her email contact form is HERE.
Lisa announced a write-in campaign on Friday against the Palin-endorsed Joe Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams. She has only 6 weeks (and a few more for the recount?) as Alaska’s Republican senator – after that, either she will be our write-in senator or she will be unemployed.
Voting for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would be one way for her to declare her independent status in Congress and get back at the GOP leaders who are lining up to support Miller.
The Senate cloture vote on DADT is scheduled for Tuesday. Alaska has an unexpected opportunity to help repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and stop the filibuster. Let’s make the most of it.
Call Senator Murkowski today at (202) 224-6665 or toll free in Alaska at 1-877-829-6030 and ask her to vote for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.