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Articles tagged with: Sarah Palin

Daily Show: Sarah, Maggie & friends on Prop 8 ruling

Friday, 6 August 2010 – 10:46 PM | 2 Comments
Daily Show: Sarah, Maggie & friends on Prop 8 ruling
Wonder what Palin thinks about the overturning of Prop 8? Jon Stewart mocks the absurd comments made by anti-gay reporters and political figures, including what our quitter-ex-gov said about the landmark decision. (Hint – she admits that she hasn’t read the ruling, but gives an opinion on it anyway, of course.)
He also includes an awkward CNN report from a gay bar, and a clip of Anderson Cooper patiently asking a question three times before Maggie Gallagher of NOM answers it… sort of.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Palin on DADT Repeal: Unnecessary

Tuesday, 9 February 2010 – 7:37 AM | 4 Comments
Palin on DADT Repeal: Unnecessary
Sarah Palin said that now is not the right time to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and criticized President Obama for mentioning it in his State of the Union address. She did not say when would be the right time for the repeal.
Palin appeared on Fox News Sunday and was asked, “Should the rule ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ for the military be repealed?”
“I don’t think so right now,” she said. “I’m surprised that the president spent time on that in his State of the Union speech when he only spent about 9% of his time in the State of the Union on national security issues. And I say that because there are other things to be worried about right now with the military. I think that kind of on the back burner is sufficient for now. To put so much time, and effort, and politics into it? Unnecessary.”

Watch the video clip here:

Palin, McCain, Gay Marriage and CPAC

Thursday, 21 January 2010 – 7:14 PM | 2 Comments
Palin, McCain, Gay Marriage and CPAC
Several bits of news converged this week connecting Sarah Palin, John McCain, gay marriage and republicans in a tangled web that may spell change in the GOP:

1. Cindy McCain, the former presidential hopeful’s wife, posed for a photo shoot with the NOH8 campaign against Prop 8 and in favor of gay marriage. Daughter Meghan already posed for the campaign. Senator McCain’s office released a statement saying that he continues to oppose marriage equality. He is running for re-election this year.
2. Sarah Palin endorsed McCain’s re-election campaign and agreed to stump for him. Palin may have a gay friend (what pageant girl doesn’t have a gay friend?) but she doesn’t support legal rights for gays. She opposes domestic partnerships, civil unions and marriage equality. Cindy McCain’s NOH8 photo shoot is not likely to improve Palin’s opinion of her.
3. Neither Palin nor McCain are speaking at CPAC, the annual conservative conference, but gay republicans are co-sponsoring the event. The anti-gay Liberty Counsel threatened to withdraw from CPAC because the organizers accepted sponsorship from GOProud, who would like to be friends with Sarah but would have better luck with Cindy and Meghan.
4. Palin did not speak at CPAC last year either, or rather, she was supposed to speak but didn’t attend. She said she never committed, CPAC said she did. The conference organizer accused Palin of “whining” after she backed out, which may explain why she isn’t going this year.
5. Other CPAC co-sponsors include the Alliance Defense Fund, the ultra-conservative legal team defending Prop 8 in the current federal trial, and NOM, a national group for straights-only marriage that produced those ridiculous Gathering Storm ads for Prop 8. They also ran the campaign that repealed marriage equality in Maine. These are the groups Palin appeals to, but she isn’t attending the conference. Instead, she’s speaking at a Tea Party shindig while gay republicans climb into bed with the anti-gay CPAC sponsors.
6. The federal court challenge on the legality of Prop 8 continued this week with the republican mayor of San Diego testifying in support of gay marriage because he wants his lesbian daughter to have a legally equal relationship with her lover, not a second class civil union or domestic partnership. Ted Olson, a top conservative lawyer and the former Solicitor General of the United States, is defending gay marriage.
7. GayPolitics posted a list of prominent republicans who support marriage equality, including Steve Schmidt, McCain’s chief strategist during his 2008 presidential run, and FOX News contributor Margaret Hoover, who announced her support for marriage equality last week in an op-ed titled, “Why I’m Joining the Fight for Marriage Equality.” Sarah Palin was hired by FOX the same week.
High profile republicans are coming out in support of gay marriage, even leading the way to marriage equality. Openly gay republicans are co-sponsoring conservative events. Even FOX has a pro-equality commentator. Perhaps mainstream republicans are trying to regain control of their party from the religious extremists by making support for gay marriage a moderate position.
Where will that leave Sarah Palin and her far right religious fans who refuse to accept the “gay marriage = individual liberty” memo? On the outer fringe, where they belong.

RuPaul spoofs Palin with Going Vogue

Saturday, 19 December 2009 – 2:31 AM | Comments Off on RuPaul spoofs Palin with Going Vogue
RuPaul spoofs Palin with Going Vogue
RuPaul’s holiday greeting card this year is a parody of Sarah’s book cover, “Going Vogue: New Year. New Season. No Experience Required.”

NewNowNext posted the photo and quipped:

“(T)his time she’s “Going Vogue!” Watch out, Grandma Palin. Ru’s got on her red anorak and she’s ready to govern! And I’m guessing Ru knows her way around a lumberjack. Plus, I’m sure Ru also knows all about laying some serious Alaskan pipeline.”

You betcha! So who wants to be her First Dude?
Season 2 of RuPaul’s Drag Race starts Feb. 1 on Logo.

Sarah Palin’s Top 10 Anti-LGBT Moments

Tuesday, 14 July 2009 – 9:56 AM | 3 Comments
Sarah Palin’s Top 10 Anti-LGBT Moments

Is it too early to list Sarah Palin’s worst moments as Governor of Alaska? Change.org doesn’t think so. Their Gay Rights blog posted a list of her anti-LGBT moments the day after she resigned, although she had (and still has) a few more weeks as Gov.

The introduction to the list suggests that Palin is divorcing Alaska despite her support for traditional marriage, describing her as

“a politician who thinks that the commitment between a man and a woman is sacred above anything, but the commitment between a governor and a state’s population is disposable.”

Ouch. Change.org’s Michael Jones made a good list of 6 Palin anti-LGBT moments, but missed a few big ones. Here are Bent’s 4 additions, rounding out a full Top 10 List:

Signed $1.2 million Advisory Vote bill: Palin’s most harmful anti-LGBT moment, and one of her first acts as governor, was signing HB 4002, the statewide advisory vote on taking away same-sex partner benefits, at a cost of $1.2 million for the state and in opposition to a state Supreme Court ruling. That signature led to 3 months of anti-gay speech and a pitched battle to defend the benefits that had protected some families for 5 years (City of Juneau) and others for 10 years (University of Alaska.) The result of the non-binding vote was much closer than expected, and the failure to get a ‘mandate of hate’ stalled the move for a statewide benefits ban, which Palin advocated.

Censorship: As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin supported a religious group that pushed to remove copies of Pastor, I am Gay, by Mat-Su resident Rev. Howard Bess, from the public library. She used removal of the gay book as an employee litmus test, and fired a library director who said she would not remove the book unless it met the library policy guidelines for removal.

No Pride Month: Palin’s most recent anti-LGBT moment was refusing to acknowledge Anchorage PrideFest’s Gay Pride Month proclamation, although President Obama declared June 2009 as LGBT Pride Month in the United States.

Defended Carrie Prejean: In May, Palin stated her support for the now-ex-Miss California Carrie Prejean, who declared her opposition to same-sex marriage and became a poster girl for the anti-gay lobby.

Change.org’s list of Sarah Palin’s Worst Anti-LGBT Moments:

National Coming Out Day Stay in the Closet Day: Despite being urged by civil rights groups like Alaskans Together to officially recognize National Coming Out Day, Governor Sarah Palin refused to acknowledge a day that fosters acceptance of LGBT people. Sure, during her time as Governor she made official proclamations to recognize “Alaska Taiwan Friendship Week,” “Christian Heritage Week,” and “Biomedical Technician Week,” but giving the gays one day where tolerance and understanding are the norm was a bit too much for the Alaska Governor.

Support of Ex-Gay Ministries?: Sarah Palin’s hometown church in Wasilla actively promoted the ex-gay ministry “Love Won Out” by posting their ads in weekly church bulletins. These ex-gay therapy groups have been roundly criticized by science, religious leaders and politicians of all stripes, but nonetheless, Palin’s own church seemed to preach that homosexuality could be overcome.

Alaska and Traditional Marriage: Though she was just a few years removed from the Bachelor’s Degree that took her seven years and four colleges to get, Sarah Palin was a strong proponent of Alaska’s 1998 statewide constitutional amendment which banned same-sex marriage. Additionally, Palin told the Anchorage News in 2005 that she supported repealing many domestic partner benefits given to same-sex couples in Alaska, because DP benefits were anti-family.

The Three Amigos – Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Phyllis Schlafly: They’re three of the most anti-LGBT people in the country, and the connection? Michelle Bachmann (who has called global warming a “hoax” and “voodoo,” and said that God is blessing the Iraq War) stepped in for Sarah Palin during a anti-choice award ceremony at the Republican National Convention this year. Phyllis Schlafly, the denmother of radical conservatives ’round the country, said that McCain’s selection of Palin as a running mate was “terribly smart,” at the time. Hmm…wonder what she was saying on November 5, 2008?

Let’s Define Marriage Federally: In a break with her running mate John McCain, Palin told the Christian Broadcasting Network in October 2008 that she wished the federal government would follow the lead of states like Alaska and work to ban same-sex marriage. Because fighting two wars and solving an economic crisis deserves to be side-stepped by knocking down marriage equality…..

A “Perversion and Degenerates” Ally: In March of this year, Sarah Palin had the task of choosing an Attorney General for Alaska. Her preferred candidate? Wayne Anthony Ross, a radical right-wing lawyer who has referred to LGBT people as “perverts,” “degenerates,” and “immoral.” Ross also had a resume filled with other star attributes, like defending a KKK art project, and representing nutjobs that harass anti-war protestors.

These are her worst anti-LGBT moments, but let’s broaden the question: What is on your Top 10 list for the Worst Palin Moments Ever?

Palin Snubs PrideFest, Wasilla Fundies Protest Gays

Sunday, 14 June 2009 – 11:59 PM | 8 Comments
Palin Snubs PrideFest, Wasilla Fundies Protest Gays
Gov. Sarah Palin has ignored a Gay Pride Month proclamation submitted by Anchorage PrideFest, but a proposal to add “sexual orientation” to the city’s non-discrimination policies caught the attention of Wasilla fundamentalists, who arrived in busloads to testify at an Anchorage hearing on Tuesday while their children protested outside.

Children opposed to the equal rights ordinance lined the entrances to the parking lot and building during the meeting, wearing red shirts and carrying mass produced signs from the Alaska Family Council.
Palin’s hometown of Wasilla is not part of the Anchorage Municipality, but perhaps opponents could not find enough anti-gay Anchorage residents willing to testify against their neighbors and coworkers.
Before the hearing, Anchorage PrideFest sent a Pride Month proclamation to Gov. Palin, inviting her to attend the annual Parade & Festival on June 20. Palin has not responded, although she has proclaimed Flag Day, Fishing Week and Auburn Founders Day in honor of Auburn, New York, so far for June.
The proclamation asks Palin to declare June as Gay Pride Month and to “urge all citizens of Alaska to join me in celebrating diversity by attending, supporting, recognizing, and respecting Anchorage PrideFest 2009 activities and events.”
On June 1, President Obama declared June 2009 as LGBT Pride Month, stating support for measures like “outlawing discrimination in the workplace,” a subject covered by the proposed Anchorage equal rights ordinance.
The ordinance, AO 2009-64(S), adds “sexual orientation” to the list of groups protected against discrimination in employment, housing, financing, education, public accommodations and municipal business. The original proposal was revised by the mayor to address concerns by religious opponents, but opponents still object, saying “the term “sexual orientation” is not acceptable in any discrimination ordinance.”
Wasilla residents do not pay property taxes to Anchorage, nor do they vote for our Assembly members. However, a suggestion to limit testimony to Anchorage residents was turned down by the Assembly Chair.
Please join us at the next hearing on the equal rights ordinance on Tuesday, June 16, at Loussac Library. Doors open at 3, the meeting begins at 5 p.m. and ordinance testimony is likely to run from 7-11. Come early if you want a seat inside. Everyone is invited to share food and music at a Potluck for the People, on the Library lawn. Anchorage residents are encouraged to write to our Assembly members and ask them to vote YES on the Equal Rights Ordinance.
The Assembly has also scheduled a hearing for Wednesday, June 17, from 4-10 p.m.

PrideFest Asks Palin to Declare Gay Pride Month in Alaska

Sunday, 14 June 2009 – 11:08 PM | 2 Comments
PrideFest Asks Palin to Declare Gay Pride Month in Alaska

In addition to planning a full week of Pride activities, Anchorage PrideFest 2009 has asked Gov. Sarah Palin to proclaim June as Gay Pride Month in Alaska, like President Obama proclaimed June LGBT Pride Month throughout the United States.
On June 1, President Obama proclaimed June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month: “During LGBT Pride Month, I call upon the LGBT community, the Congress, and the American people to work together to promote equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.”
A few days later, Jasmine Stokes of Identity and Anchorage PrideFest, sent similar Gay Pride Month proclamations to Gov. Sarah Palin and Mayor Matt Claman, inviting both to join the LGBT community for the Anchorage Diversity Parade and Pride Festival on June 20. Neither has responded.
Anchorage Pride Week runs June 13-21, with the Parade and Festival on the Park Strip on Saturday. The full schedule of PrideFest 09 includes movies, a play, religious services, a reception, and the choosing of this year’s Mr/Ms/Miss Gay Anchorage.
Here is the introductory letter to Gov. Palin and the Gay Pride Month Proclamation for the State of Alaska:
June 4, 2009 
Governor Sarah Palin
State of Alaska
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
RE: Gay Pride Month Proclamation 
Dear Governor Palin:
Identity, Inc. is an Alaska 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that, in addition to providing  a number of services to the LGBT community in Anchorage, has also hosted Anchorage PrideFest each June for more than 20 years. Each year the Celebrating Diversity Parade and Festival on the Park Strip are big hits, drawing visitors, residents and eager participants. Throughout the city people feel a sense of pride and joy at being able to express the great diversity found here in Anchorage and the entire state of Alaska. 
This year our theme is “The Last Queer Frontier” in honor of the state of Alaska that has and continues to be home to so many people who have done amazing things for the LGBT community, and also to bring attention to how the community has grown in its level of confidence despite various trials. It also pays respect to our Governor and the administration which has chosen to be progressive and accepting despite the many difficulties of taking the right stand. 
The Pride Festival and Parade are scheduled for June 20, 2009. As you know, President Barack Obama has recently signed and announced a proclamation declaring June LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Pride Month. In honor of both his proclamation as the leader of the nation and the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, it would be inspiring to have you show your support. I have enclosed a proclamation declaring June as Gay Pride Month in the State of Alaska that I invite you to personally announce. I would also like to extend the invitation, as always, to join the LGBT community in celebration. 
If you have any questions about Anchorage PrideFest 2009, please contact me [phone number removed] or via email through the Anchorage PrideFest web site. 
Identity, Inc. 
Jasmine Stokes 
Publicity Chair, Anchorage PrideFest 2009 
State of Alaska
Whereas, Alaska is a state composed of a great variety of diverse peoples, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, languages and customs; and 
WHEREAS, a society can only define itself as democratic and truly strong once there is an equal participation of all the community in any social, economic, and political activities; and 
WHEREAS, the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities have contributed to the state of Alaska through active involvement in economic and cultural progress despite and in the face of active discrimination; and 
WHEREAS, Anchorage PrideFest and Parade of 2009 is scheduled for June 20, 2009; and 
WHEREAS, In June of 2009 the entirety of the United States finds itself approaching the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal event in the development of gay rights and the establishment of a unified effort to rectify the wrongs experienced by those who endured that time; and 
WHEREAS, the State of Alaska respects and values the dignity of all of its citizens; 
NOW, THEREFORE, I Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, do hereby proclaim the month of June 2009 as: 
And strongly urge all citizens of Alaska to join me in celebrating diversity by attending, supporting, recognizing, and respecting Anchorage PrideFest 2009 activities and events. 

Howard Bess on the Success of Gay Rights

Sunday, 17 May 2009 – 10:58 AM | 2 Comments
Howard Bess on the Success of Gay Rights
Rev. Howard Bess, the Palmer preacher who said his book on gay Christians was targeted for censorship by then-mayor Sarah Palin, wrote an editorial in the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman on the success of gay rights.

About 35 years ago when I first began facing the fact of the presence of gays in our churches, I became a very lonely advocate for their full acceptance and participation. The accepted opinion was that homosexuals were sick or woefully sinful or both. The majority of Americans have moved a long way from that damning evaluation. American opinion is moving us in the direction of full equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.

Bess describes three reasons why public opinion on gay equality has shifted so far in the 40 years since the Stonewall riots:
“First, gay people slowly but surely have come out of their closets. Gay people have always been around us, in our families, in our communities, in our churches and in our institutions. Our gay family members and friends were invisible to us. The most highly developed skill of a gay person was to remain undetected. No one can point to a single event and say, “It started here,” but there are milestones in the opening of the closet door.
“This year is the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall incident. New York City police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. A riot broke out. That single incident, more than any other, is the rallying point for gay activism. The celebration of the Stonewall riot is the base for all gay pride celebrations and parades.
“The next milestone, especially for gay Christians, was the publishing of a book in 1972 titled, “The Lord Is My Shepherd, and He Knows I am Gay.” It was written by a Pentecostal minister named Troy Perry. Because of Perry’s efforts there is now a sizable denomination called Metropolitan Community Church that offers a safe church home to gay people who have been turned aside by their churches. Reading Perry’s book was pivotal in shaping my own understanding of the homosexual phenomenon.
“The importance of Phil Donahue cannot be overstated. More than any other person he took the discussion of homosexuality into the public arena. He was a pioneer in the world of television talk shows. He took the discussion of the gay presence among us out of the closet. He took what had been a private concern into the public square.
“At first gay people came out of their closets in a trickle. The trickle became a stream and today is a flood. Twenty years ago the typical gay person came out of the closet in college. Now kids in junior high are joining the ranks of the openly gay population. The closet is nearing extinction.
“The second factor in establishing gay rights has been the battle over the Bible. Forty years ago, Churches of every stripe rejected gay people and especially sexual activities among gay people. The commonly held perspective was that the Bible rejected homosexuals and homosexual activities of all kinds. Then Biblical scholars began their homework. A few scholars starting in the mid-1980s looked more intently at the nine Bible passages that were commonly identified as rejecting homosexual activity. In the 1990s a flood of scholarly books hit the bookstores. I have them all in my personal library. The verdict: Not a single passage in the entire Bible speaks about a loving, committed, intimate relationship between two people of the same sex. The Bible neither endorses nor condemns same-sex relationships. The Bible cannot be used to reject gay people.
“Primarily because of the influence of scholarship, opposition to full acceptance of gay people in mainline Christian churches is melting away. I suspect that 50 years from now, Christians will be as embarrassed about the rejection of gay people as they are now about the denial of equality for women and their support of the horror of black slavery.
“The third influence may be the most important. As gay people moved out of their closets and into a more public presence, they have proven themselves to be good public citizens. Our communities are blessed by teachers, lawyers, business owners, legislators, carpenters, doctors and ministers who just happen to be gay. When we get to know our gay neighbors, denying them their full rights, including the right to marry legally becomes all the more absurd.
“Full acceptance of gay people in our churches and in our American society needs to be affirmed and celebrated. We need to put this dark night of ignorance and discrimination behind us. The 40th anniversary observances of the Stonewall riot are a good time for thoughtful people of good will to walk hand-in-hand with our gay neighbors.”

Sen. Begich, Outrage, Jake’s Take & Carrie Prejean

Saturday, 16 May 2009 – 11:49 AM | Comments Off on Sen. Begich, Outrage, Jake’s Take & Carrie Prejean
Sen. Begich, Outrage, Jake’s Take & Carrie Prejean
Gay AK: Notes from LGBT Alaska
Juneau Concert
“The Emma’s Revolution concert was a success,” writes Juneau Pride Chorus member Juanita Reese. “It was a privilege to open for the group and sing a song with them. Big turn out. They are wonderful people … funny, inspiring and good music.”
Sen. Begich to co-sponsor the Matthew Shepard Act
Thank you for calling Senators Begich and Murkowski in support of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act. Sen. Begich received many supportive calls and became a co-sponsor of the Act. “He did get the message,” wrote Diane DiSanto from Senator Begich’s office. “More Alaskans called to support it, and most of the negatives were from out of state.”
Outrage at the Bear Tooth
The movie Outrage opened last week in the Lower 48, and the Alaska Premiere will be at The Bear Tooth on Monday June 15 during Anchorage Pride Week. Outrage is “an indictment of closeted politicians who lobby for anti-gay legislation.” Watch the trailer.
Sarah Palin supports Carrie Prejean
Governor Palin released a statement in support of Miss California Carrie Prejean, who does not support same-sex marriage and has become a spokesperson for the anti-gay lobby. Palin’s statement begins: “The liberal onslaught of malicious attacks against Carrie Prejean for expressing her opinion is despicable.” Read the full statement.
Jake’s Take: Out of the Wild (& Gay)
Each week, Jake Nodar, the one gay “volunteer” on Out of the Wild: The Alaska Experiment shares his first hand take with AfterElton about the latest episode, and what it’s like being openly gay in a group full of straight people on a survival nature expedition. Read Jake’s Take.
Share your story
Are you an LGBT person who believes that you have been discriminated against by an employer, landlord, or business? Have you ever been told to stay closeted on the job? Are you a straight ally or family member who has felt the sting of public harassment or discrimination because of your friends or relatives, or because you were perceived as being “too masculine” or “too feminine”? There is no better time than at the public hearing on June 9 to share these stories with the people in a position to make a difference. If you can participate, please e-mail Tiffany McClain

WAR goes down!

Thursday, 16 April 2009 – 12:48 PM | 3 Comments
WAR goes down!

Report from Mel: “23 yeas, 35 nays. Wayne Anthony Ross will NOT be Alaska’s Attorney General. We fought the good fight, people, and we WON!”