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Wasilla blogger: liberals use children for sex toys & gays are "dead end" of society

Submitted by on Friday, 22 January 2010 – 7:36 AM4 Comments
Today is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s pro-choice Roe v Wade ruling. Why is that on a blog about Gay Alaska? Let’s get Larry from Wasilla to explain the connection:

“This victimization of the underaged female, and the failure of society to remark or to react with condemnation, point to the success of the goal of the liberals who want to use our children for sex toys. This success is marked by the revealing clothes young girls wear, MTV, the ever younger indoctrination of our young in public schools about sex and alternative lifestyles… Abortion is part of the desensitization of society to the taboos associated with how we view and treat our young… The homosexual agenda shares in the goal of the liberal establishment that seeks to breakdown morality and the family to accomplish recruitment for casual sex at ever younger ages.”

Larry Wood was somehow allowed to write an Alaska Gubernatorial column for the Examiner. He wrote glowing columns about Sarah Palin until she quit and made him write about appointed governor Sean Parnell. The quote above is from a column asking Parnell to sign a petition to declare fetuses a protected minority group and thus make abortion a hate crime. The post begins:

“A national movement has finally hit Alaska. This movement seeks to extend Constitution protection to the right to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ to the unborn. Given former Governor Sarah Palin’s avowed pro-life stance, one wonders if Governor Sean Parnell will add his voice in support of this initiative?… Unlike Sarah Palin, his predecessor, Parnell has yet to speak out on the issue of whether or not the State should be in the business of killing babies in the womb.”

What do you want to bet that ol’ red-shirt Larry testified against extending protection to the right to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ to the LGBT residents of Anchorage who tried to pass a nondiscrimination ordinance last summer? The anti-abortion post isn’t the first time he called gays pedophiles. His post on the passage of the Hate Crimes Act berated our Congress members for supporting it:

“Yes, Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young, two staunch, conservative Republicans voted with the pack, rather than voice their disapproval of this dirty trick by the Reid Senate and the Pelosi House. Of course, Sen. Mark Begich voted with his party to further establish homosexuals as a “protected” class under a system of law that was supposed to be based upon the fact that none stand above any other…. Meanwhile, in our Congress, the priority is keep pedophiles and homosexuals from being offended by heterosexuals. Once again the liberal congress and Alaska’s congressional delegation said to Hell with our troops and their needs. Why, the egos of this evolutionary dead end faction of our society takes precedent over the welfare of our troops in harms way.”

Protecting a minority group that is targeted for discrimination does not raise them above others, it simply levels the field. But given his opinion on protected status – that it raises some groups above others and creates an unfair situation – his argument in the very next column in favor of making fetuses a protected class, and thus unfairly raising them above others, is a stunning about-face. Enough to give one a touch of vertigo.
Of course, Pres. Obama is also to blame for gays and liberal destroying the country. In the special rights for fetuses column, his tirade against gays and “liberals who want to use our children for sex toys” includes a predictable attack on Obama for the appointment of Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educators Network:

“One of the most notable examples is the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), supported by Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (OSDFS).”

You knew he was going to mention NAMBLA, didn’t you? How tired. And completely untrue. Kevin Jennings is the current punching bag of the far right homophobes because he’s an openly gay man appointed by Pres. Obama – two people who send the far right into crazyland. Jennings founded GLSEN and dedicated his life to creating safer schools for LGBT kids, and no, he does not support illegal sexual activities. But truth is low on the far right list of priorities, well below firing gays and demonizing liberals. He also argues that abortion causes immigration:

“Another byproduct of abortion is the current illegal migrant worker situation. These are foreign nationals that are in the U.S. illegally, who are taking jobs, benefits and resources that are rightfully the purview of the naturalized U.S. citizen and their children. Abortion has created the demand for labor by terminating approximately 45 million Americans before birth, too many in the last trimester of the reproductive process. We have killed those before they are born who would otherwise be there to replace an aging and diminishing U.S. workforce.”

Creepy, huh? Let’s drag his whole paranoid argument out into the light and see what it says. (hold on to something solid):
Abortion causes illegal immigration,
because America doesn’t have enough poor children
waiting to fill all the menial jobs for starvation wages.
And abortion promotes the homosexual agenda
because… well, somehow abortion allows gays to share
in the liberal goal of using children as sex toys.
So if Gov. Parnell is a good governor like Sarah Palin,
he will sign a petition to give ‘special rights’ to fetuses
(protected group status for stigmatized minority groups,
like gays, but fetuses should have them instead.)
Then abortion will be classified as murder
and that will magically stop
non-white foreigners from sneaking into America,
put an end to casual sex, rape and MTV,
and prevent gay people from taking over Congress.
Pure. Batshit. Crazy.