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TDOR, Thanksgiving, World AIDS Day, FBX Bear Club, ICOAA Cares, & the Trevor Project

Submitted by on Saturday, 14 November 2009 – 7:59 AMNo Comment
Gay AK – news briefs for and about LGBT Alaska
Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov. 20
The 11th International Transgender Day of Remembrance is on November 20, recognizing those who were killed during the previous year because of anti-transgender hate and violence. All are invited to join MCC Anchorage at the Sunday Service on Nov. 22 to commemorate the lives of our trans brothers and sisters who were tragically taken.
Eve’s Family & Friends Thanksgiving Dinner
Eve is cooking up Thanksgiving Goodies, and all this baby needs is a kitchen and a slave for a day. We’re doing 2 dinners, and this year it’s at the Raven Bar, on Nov. 25 at 5 p.m. and Nov. 26 at 3 p.m. The Raven Bar is located at 4th and Gambell, in downtown Anchorage. RSVP on the Thanksgiving Dinner Facebook event page.
World AIDS Day on December 1
Join Four A’s for their annual World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil to remember those we’ve lost to HIV/AIDS and honor those who are still living with the disease. Vigil begins at 6 p.m. on Tuesday Dec. 1, in The Wolf’s Den at UAA. On Monday, Nov. 30, Four A’s is co-presenting the documentary film Sex Positive with Bear Tooth Theater as a World AIDS Day event. The film begins at 8 p.m. and tickets are $3. Sex Positive is rated R for brief nudity, sexual scenes and graphic language.
Dan Savage and Scott Turner Schofield return
We already have great LGBT events on the calendar for 2010: sex-columnist and political activist Dan Savage is returning to UAA on February 12, transgender performer Scott Turner Schofield is returning to Out North on January 14-17, and the dates are already set for Celebration of Change (3/27) and the spring Womyn’s Dance (4/17).
Imperial Court collects food, clothes and toys for the holidays
I.C.O.A.A. Cares will be accepting donations in the way of non-perishable food items, new clothes and toys for the holidays. We will get these items to local organizations for disbursement. You may drop new unwrapped items at Mad Myrna’s until December 20. The Empress and Emperor will also try and get donation barrels for The Raven and The GLBT Center. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Bear Men’s Club in Fairbanks
Let’s revive the Bear Men’s Monthly Potluck in Fairbanks. If you are interested in a once a month or even bi-monthly gathering, please respond. It will be open to all men, bears and their admirers, and men interested in a gay men’s function in Fairbanks. Contact Michael for more info.
The Trevor Project wants you to Be Proud and Speak Out
Do you have a story for the Trevor Project? They want to hear all about it. Record a video, upload it by November 29 and you could win a prize. Create a short video telling the world about your experiences as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning youth within your family, school and/or communities. Please read the rules and regulations. The deadline is 11:59 PM on Sunday, November 29, 2009.
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