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Gay AK: Singing, Marching, Donating, Writing and Leading the Way Forward

Submitted by on Saturday, 3 October 2009 – 7:34 AMNo Comment
Reports from LGBT Alaska
Lion King cast raises thousands for Four A’s
The Lion Sings Tonight” raised a grand total of $15,401 for Four A’s and Broadway Cares, singing to an over-capacity crowd at Mad Myrna’s! The Four A’s thanks the Lion King cast and crew, Mad Myrna’s, the host Miss MeMe, and everyone who attended.
Identity wins in Raffle with a Twist
Identity, Inc. won $1,000 from Pride Foundation’s Raffle with a Twist for being our favorite Alaska non-profit yet again this year. Congratulations! Identity sponsors PrideFest in June, and the Alaska Pride Conference, which is being held this year on the APU Campus, October 9-11. Work place giving season is upon us. Wherever you work, please select Identity, Inc. for your contributions.
Buy an Alaska Banner for the National Equality March
Alaskans are marching in the National Equality March in DC on Oct 10-11 for full equality for all LGBT people. If you cannot march with them, you can still support them: they’re buying a big blue and gold banner that will say “Alaskans Together for Equality” to carry at the march and are asking for donations. They’ve raised about half of the money already (the full cost is $235) and would be very grateful for additional donations from the community. Please send $10, $25 or whatever amount you choose, in care of: SEAGLA, PO Box 21542, Juneau, AK 99802. Thanks!
The Laramie Project returns
October 12 is the anniversary of gay college student Matthew Shepard’s murder, and The Laramie Project is releasing a sequel to their famous play about the incident. It opens on Oct. 12 at more than 130 theaters nationwide, and a free reader’s theater performance will be presented one night only in Juneau, on Monday October 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Alaska Territorial Hall.
Alaskans Together Looking for Statewide Leaders
Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. is Alaska’s only statewide advocacy organization with a focus on LGBT rights. ATE is seeking people from all across Alaska to serve on the Board of Directors. People from rural and urban Alaska who are highly motivated to increase civil rights for LGBT Alaskans and are able to serve on a working Board are encouraged to emil the current Board President Marsha Buck. New Board members will be elected at the annual meeting of Alaskans Together on October 11 in Anchorage.
Alaska GLBT News
The statewide e-newsletter Alaska GLBT News is seeking one or more co-editors, proofreaders and other volunteers to help create this informative weekly resource. Contact Alaska GLBT News.
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