The Daily Tweets, 2009-07-06

  • Wow, this WSJ article on Palin quitting is full of factual errors. #
  • WSJ re: Troopergate: “State legislators eventually cleared Gov. Palin” — no they didn’t. Leg. investigation found her guilty. #
  • WSJ also uncritically accepted Palin’s lie of $2 mill for ethics investigations. No: $300,000, 2/3 from Palin’s complaint against herself. #
  • Ethics investigations on Palin cost $296,000 not the $2 mill she claims. Here’s the source: #
  • Dying of the heat in our office today. If I wanted to be this hot, I’d’ve stayed at home in my equally screwed-up apartment! #
  • Spent lunchtime working on a forthcoming blog post on the Palin/Parnell $2 million meme. Stay tuned: will finish post after work tonight. #
  • @MermaidSocks Nooooo, no 1st snowfall yet! we typically get it in October. It’s not summer’s fault I’m hot, it’s messed up bldg maint! in reply to MermaidSocks #

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